Pen Pals is a writing group developed exclusively by the Occupational Therapy Team here at Innovative Therapy 4 Kids, Inc.
It is based on the Handwriting Without Tears® program and is a Developmental & Kinesthetic letter writing program that aims to teach kids how to better write & form their letters in a fun and stress free environment. Unique to our Pen Pals system is their use of:
- Sensorimotor Warm Ups
- Music
- Rhythm
- Whole Body Learning
- IT4k’s Pen Pal Groups run for 6 weeks.
- During that week your child will participate & focus on:
- Strokes for Forming Letters
- Activities for Primitive Postural Reflex Integration & Posture
- Basic Grasp Patterns
- Sensorimotor Coordination
- Formation of ALL Upper & Lower Case Letters & Numbers