
Kimberly Quinn
Occupational Therapist
Kimberly has over 14 years of experience as a certified Occupational Therapist. Kimberly received her Bachelor of science degree in occupational therapy in 1998 from Boston University. She subsequently completed a Masters of science degree in occupational therapy at Boston University in 2000. Since that time Kimberly has worked in early intervention, school settings, and clinics. Early in her career, she worked in a sensory integration clinic in the Boston area which began many years of work with children and families with sensory-based concerns. She has completed coursework in dysphagia and training in sensory-based feeding difficulties. Kimberly gained international experience while working in a private clinic in London, England. Her experience includes working with children of all ages with a variety of needs and diagnoses. Kimberly has supervised multiple Level 1 and Level 2 occupational therapy students. Kimberly has a love of learning and a passion for helping children and families.
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